标题:A germline CHEK2 mutation in a family with papillary thyroid cance
使用Sentieon模块:Sentieon Germline Variant Pipeline
We performed whole genome sequencing (WGS) of peripheral-blood DNA samples from two affected family members with PTC. CHEK2 transcript expression and the protein levels of CHK2 and p53 were evaluated in the thyroid tissues from two affected members of the kindred and sporadic PTC cases. We identified a novel heterozygous germline mutation in CHEK2 (c.417C→A) that was detected in all available affected members of a kindred with FPTC. The CHEK2 c.417C→A variant introduces a premature termination codon (Y139X). The Y139X loss-of-function variant led to reduced p53 phosphorylation and decreased p53 protein level. Our findings suggest that the CHEK2 Y139X variant may be associated with FPTC.
标题:Next generation sequencing reveals co-existence of hereditary spherocytosis and Dubin-Johnson syndrome in a Chinese girl: a case report
发表期刊:World Journal of Clinical Cases
使用Sentieon模块:Sentieon Germline Variant Pipeline
Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is a hereditary disease of hemolytic anemia that occurs due to the erythrocyte membrane defects. Dubin–Johnson syndrome (DJS), which commonly results in jaundice, is a benign hereditary disorder of bilirubin clearance that occurs only rarely. The co-occurrence of HS and DJS is extremely rare. A 21-year-old female patient presented to our department because of severe jaundice, severe splenomegaly, and mild anemia since birth. We eventually confirmed the diagnosis of co-occurring DJS and HS by next generation sequencing (NGS). The treatment of ursodeoxycholic acid in combination with phenobarbital successfully increased hemoglobin and reduced total bilirubin and direct bilirubin.
标题:Mutations in both SAMD9 and SLC19A2 genes caused complex phenotypes characterized by recurrent infection, dysphagia and profound deafness – a case report for dual diagnosis
发表期刊:BMC Pediatrics
使用Sentieon模块:Sentieon Germline Variant Pipeline
Due to the extremely low incidence for a single disease, phenotype spectrum needs to be expanded. Meanwhile, earlier knowledge says patients who suffered from two kinds of different Mendelian disease are very rare. We describe a case of neonatal male with genital anomalies, growth delay, skin hyperpigmentation, chronic lung disease with recurrent infection, anemia, and severe deafness. Without any clear etiology after routine workflow, whole exome sequencing was carried on. A pathogenic de novo SAMD9 mutation and compound heterozygous likely-pathogenic variants in SLC19A2 were identified. Combining the phenotype and clinical progress of treatment, we report that it is the first case of a patient with both MIRAGE syndrome and TRMA syndrome.
标题:Segmental uniparental disomy of chromosome 4 in a patient with methylmalonic acidemia
发表期刊:Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine
使用Sentieon模块:Sentieon Germline Variant Pipeline
Methylmalonic acidemia (MMA) is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder involving the meta-bolism of organic acids. Here, we report the case of a patient who developed acute meta-bolic crisis after vaccination and was diagnosed with cblA type MMA after hospitalization. Using chromosomal microarray analysis, maternal uniparental disomy (UPD) was found on chrom-osome 4q26-q35.2 of the patient. The MMAA gene of the patient was inherited only from the mother and carried the same pathogenic variant on both alleles of chromosome 4. The nonsense pathogenic variant, NM_172250.2:c.742C>T (p.Gln248*), carried by the patient leads to a premature termination of transcription of the gene, thereby resulting in partial loss of protein function while retaining some others.
标题:Whole exome sequencing aids the diagnosis of Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome in two male fetuses
发表期刊:International Medical Research
使用Sentieon模块:Sentieon Germline Variant Pipeline
Prenatal ultrasound scans of two fetuses showed multiple congenital anomalies and hydramnios. Subsequent to termination of the pregnancies, a novel nonsense variant (c.892G>T, p.E298*) in the glypican 3 (GPC3) gene of the two fetuses was identified by WES and further confirmed by Sanger sequencing. The two fetuses were diagnosed with SGBS1. The mother was heterozygous for the c.892G>T variant. This study describes the prenatal sonographic features of SGBS1, emphasizes the role of WES in the diagnosis of SGBS1 and expands the known mutation spectrum of the GPC3 gene.
